
Breakfast like a king: the importance of a healthy breakfast

Breakfast plays an important role in determining your energy levels throughout the day. A common saying is “Breakfast like a king”, which emphasises the importance of a hearty and nutritious breakfast. This concept suggests that the first meal of the day should be the richest, as this is when our bodies need the most energy to start the day. A balanced breakfast can contribute to a healthy lifestyle and help optimise energy levels for daily activities.

The nutritional importance of breakfast is undisputed. A nutritious breakfast provides us with the nutrients we need to help our metabolism and support our body’s function throughout the day. High-fibre cereals, high-quality proteins and fresh fruit can all be part of a balanced, ‘royal’ breakfast. These foods can contribute to feeling full and energetic throughout the day, while also supporting long-term health.

In addition to regular exercise, eating right, including a hearty and nutrient-rich breakfast, is a key part of building a healthy lifestyle. Given the hectic nature of our lives, we often tend to skip or rush breakfast. However, developing mindful eating habits, such as preparing and eating a good quality and nutritionally balanced breakfast, will have a long-term beneficial effect on overall wellbeing and health maintenance.

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Psychological effects of breakfast

There is hardly a meal more important than breakfast for energising the body. Research has shown that eating a balanced breakfast can significantly improve your performance in the morning. Foods rich in carbohydrates and protein contribute to stable blood sugar levels, which are essential for energy throughout the day.

Psychological benefits:

  • Better concentration: a healthy breakfast can influence brain function, boosting attention and concentration.
  • Adjusted sleep patterns: regular breakfast timing can help to adjust sleep rhythms.
  • Stress reduction: the nutrients provided can reduce stress levels, which has a positive effect on overall mental well-being.

Studies on the psychological aspects of nutrition highlight that a healthy breakfast is central to maintaining not only physical health, but also mental health. People who skip this meal are more likely to experience fatigue and irritability in the morning.

Nutrition (=> Impact)

  • Carbohydrates (=> They provide energy)
  • Proteins (=> Improve concentration)
  • Vitamins (=> Increase stress tolerance)

The question may arise as to exactly what foods you should eat in the morning. Experts recommend supplementing your diet with vegetables, wholegrain cereals and protein sources such as eggs or yoghurt to ensure you stay well and energetic throughout the day.

The basics for long-term health

Developing a healthy lifestyle is essential for long-term health. The basics include a balanced diet that contains sufficient protein and provides the right amount and quality of nutrients for the body.

Daily meals

A regular meal plan is important that takes into account the balance of proteins, carbohydrates and fats:

  • Breakfast: should be rich in protein and fibre.
  • Lunch: Nutritious, include protein sources and vegetables.
  • Dinner: A lighter, lower calorie meal that helps control weight.

Body weight

Weight management is key, with efforts made to avoid excessive calorie intake. Maintaining a healthy weight reduces the risk of chronic disease.


Nutrient intake

Balances macro- and micronutrients:

  • Proteins: Meat, fish, eggs and pulses.
  • Carbohydrates: Whole grains, fruits and vegetables.
  • Fats: Healthy fats like avocado and olive oil.

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is a complex process that involves a balanced diet, regular physical activity and adequate rest.

Breakfast like a king

The components of a royal breakfast

A nutritious and balanced breakfast is essential for an energetic and healthy start to the day. A “royal breakfast” is more or less made up of the following ingredients.

Proteins and dairy products

A hearty breakfast should include proteins and dairy products, which contribute to muscle building and a long-lasting feeling of fullness. Ideal sources of protein include eggs, Greek yoghurt and protein-rich meats and fish. Among dairy products, cheese, yoghurt and kefir are excellent choices.

Fibres and carbohydrates

Fibre regulates the body’s digestive system and helps you feel full. Wholemeal breads, oats, pasta, as well as cereals and fresh vegetables such as peppers and avocados, provide an appropriately slow energy intake. Carbohydrates are important to provide adequate energy, but it is recommended to eat complex carbohydrates instead of rapidly digestible sugars.

Vitamins and antioxidants

Consumption of vitamins and antioxidants is essential to support the immune system and help protect against disease. Fresh fruits, such as juices or smoothies, and seasonal vegetables offer a rich variety of these nutrients.

Healthy fats and oils

Healthy fats contribute to the proper functioning of the body. Seeds and avocados are excellent sources of healthy fats, while olives and other vegetable oils provide the fatty acids you need. These fats help absorb vitamins and provide long-lasting energy.


Hydration is an integral part of your morning nutrition routine. It is recommended to start the day with water, juice, coffee or a latte. These provide the body with the fluid it needs, but calorie and sugar intake should be taken into account, especially in the case of juices and flavoured coffees.

Breakfast ideas and recipes

Start the day with a nutritious breakfast to give you energy for everyday life. Whether it’s a hearty, Hungarian breakfast or a light, health-conscious choice, the following recipes and tips will help you start the day.


A late breakfast, better known as brunch, is the perfect choice if you want to put a hearty and varied meal on the table. Freshly baked pastries, tasty sausages and crunchy vegetables and juicy fruit can be part of the rich offer. For a delicious brunch experience, visit us at Oinos for a unique selection. What to wear to brunch? Read the article.

Traditional Hungarian breakfast

The centrepiece of the typical Hungarian breakfast is bread, served with jam, honey or strong paprika sausage. It goes well with a latte or fruit juice. In keeping with tradition, a home-made bean and meat dish provides the energy and fibre needed to start the day.

Health-conscious alternatives

For those who prefer health-conscious choices, an oat-based breakfast is recommended, which is high in fibre. Add fresh fruit or vegetables for vitamins and make a nutritious smoothie to go with it. Those who prefer a quick but healthy breakfast can also opt for a variety of quick meals, such as a sandwich with fresh vegetables and lean cuts of meat.