
Waffle recipes: 5 delicious variations for every occasion

Waffles are a popular confectionery made in irons with a distinctive pattern. Their origins date back hundreds of years and over time many cultural influences have shaped their current form. Waffles were first baked in Europe, particularly in Belgium and the Netherlands, where they are still traditionally served with honey, fruit or chocolate.

Throughout its history, the waffle has gone through many variations. The first records refer to simple shavings made in medieval Europe in so-called wafer irons. The designs on the irons usually depicted family crests or religious symbols. Over time, the recipes expanded and waffles became more popular until they became a mass-produced item in the United States in the 20th century.

Today, the waffle is a global delicacy that comes in many varieties. There are, for example, the thicker Belgian waffles, often served with whipped cream and fruit, or the thinner, crispier North American types, usually served with maple syrup. Many restaurants and eateries offer tasty waffle specialities, ranging from sweet versions to savoury ones stuffed with cheese and ham, for example.

Of course, waffles are also on the Onios brunch menu.

Waffle receptek

Waffle recipes

When making waffles, there are many variations, from the simple basic to the special versions that cater to different tastes and dietary needs. In this section, we present gluten-free and healthy versions alongside classic recipes, as well as tips for popular and innovative toppings.

Basic waffle recipe

Ingredients needed to make the basic waffle: 2 cups flour, 2 tablespoons sugar, 1 tablespoon baking powder, 1/2 teaspoon salt, 1-2 eggs, 1 3/4 cups milk and 1/2 cup fat (melted butter or oil). For the ingredients, you will need a waffle maker.

Belgian waffle

The Belga Waffle is thicker and crispier, made special by the egg white foam rolled into the batter. Ingredients.

Buttermilk waffle

Buttermilk waffle has a denser texture and a slightly sour taste. Ingredients needed.

Gluten-free waffle

A gluten-free flour blend for your Gluten-Free Waffle recipe, which preserves the texture of the waffle without the gluten ingredients.

Healthy waffle options

For the Healthy Waffle version, wholemeal wheat flour or other high-fibre and protein-rich flours can be used. Alternative sources of sugar, such as agave syrup or honey, and the use of more egg whites can increase the nutritional value.

Classic toppings

The waffle can be topped with maple syrup, whipped cream, fresh fruit such as strawberries or blueberries, or as a sweet option, chocolate sauce or caramel. The classic waffle topping is a delicious complement to the meal.

Innovative waffle toppings

Innovative side dishes include fried chicken alongside waffles, which have become popular for their pleasantly contrasting flavours. Creative side dishes include a combination of savoury and sweet flavours, such as bacon bits or even cheese sauce.

How is waffle batter made?

When making waffle dough, the right proportions and careful selection of ingredients are crucial. The aim is to achieve a light, airy, yet stable structure.

The basics of pasta

The classic waffle batter is made from all-purpose flour, sugar and salt. These dry ingredients form the base, which must be mixed in the right proportions.

  • Flour: 250g
  • Sugar: 2 tablespoons
  • Salt: 1/2 teaspoon

Use of eggs

Eggs are handled separately; the yolks are mixed with the rest of the wet ingredients, while the whites are whisked separately. Folding the beaten egg whites into the dough ensures its lightness.

  • Yolk: for a loose texture
  • Protein: whisk

Oil and other fats

For waffle batter, add oil or melted butter. The fat is important for the structure of the dough and also contributes to the flavour and browning. Mostly vegetable oil or melted butter is used and added to the wet ingredients.

  • Oil/butter: 60 ml (4 tablespoons)
  • Fat content: to be taken into account

“Lifting equipment”

The use of baking powder and/or baking soda is essential to help the dough rise during baking. Sometimes the addition of lemon juice or vinegar is also recommended to help the reaction.

  • Baking powder: 2 teaspoons
  • Baking soda: 1/2 teaspoon
  • Lemon/vinegar: optional catalyst

Addition of fragrances

Vanilla or other extracts contribute to the taste and pleasant aroma. Adding them to the dough is one of the last steps.

  • Vanilla extract: 1 teaspoon

Waffle baking techniques

When baking waffles, it is important to keep an eye on preheating, reaching the right temperature and the exact dosing and timing of the batter for both crispy texture and even baking.

Preheated baking

Preheating the pan or baking iron is essential for success. Always check that the waffle iron is properly heated before pouring the batter. Some ovens have an indicator light or beep to let you know when the desired temperature has been reached. However, the duration of preheating may vary depending on the manufacturer. When preheating the oven, cooking spray can be used to ensure non-stick baking.

Reaching the perfect temperature

Homogeneous heat distribution is key for waffle baking and can only be achieved at the perfect temperature. When setting the oven temperature, follow the manufacturer’s instructions. Generally speaking, a range from medium to high temperature will allow you to achieve a thin, crispy outer layer, while keeping the inside soft and moist.

Pasta portioning and timing

Use a measuring cup to measure out the batter accurately and consistently so that each bake is even in terms of portions. The right amount of batter ensures that the waffle is not too thick or too thin. Generally, ¼ to ½ cup of batter is needed for one serving. Baking time generally ranges from 3 to 5 minutes, but this can vary depending on the desired consistency.

Storage and reheating

Proper storage and repacking methods can extend the life of waffles and preserve their freshness. These steps are key to maintaining the quality of homemade waffles.

Waffle Storage

When storing waffles, it is important to allow them to cool completely before storing them to avoid moisture accumulation and therefore mould. For a simple waffle recipe, waffles can be stored in an airtight container or covered with aluminium foil at room temperature for up to 1-2 days.

  • Room temperature: up to 1-2 days.
  • Refrigerator: 2-3 days, hermetically sealed.

Reheating after preservation

The best way to reheat waffles is in a toaster oven or a preheated oven, where the waffles can regain their crispiness. A microwave oven can also be used for shorter heating times, but the waffles may remain softer.

  • Toaster: ideal for crispiness.
  • Oven: 180°C for a few minutes.
  • Microwave: on low for short periods.

Deep cooling and defrosting

Waffles can also be stored in the freezer for longer periods. It is advisable to pack them separately, so as to avoid sticking. Frozen waffles can be reheated directly in a toaster or oven without the need to defrost them first.

  • Freezing: individually, they can be kept for up to 2 months.
  • Thawing: no prior thawing is required before heating.

Nutritional values and dietetics

The nutritional value of waffles can vary depending on the ingredients and is an important consideration when planning a balanced diet. In this section, we will look at the nutritional content of waffles, macronutrients, vitamins and their importance and relationship to different diets.

Responsible nutrient content

For waffles, responsible nutrient levels are of paramount importance. Sources such as ESHA’s research database can be used to determine nutrient content. The total calories, protein, total carbohydrate, sodium and cholesterol for a standard waffle are shown in the table below:

NutrientsFor one waffle (approx. 75g)Daily value in percent
Calories220 kcal11%
Total fat9g14%
Saturated fatty acids2g10%
Total carbohydrate30g10%
Dietary fibre1g4%
Total sugars7g

Macronutrients and vitamins

Waffles have macronutrients and vitamins that are important for the proper functioning of the human body. Standard waffles usually contain carbohydrates, protein and fats, as well as small amounts of vitamins and minerals such as calcium and potassium. The amount of vitamin C and other vitamins and micronutrients depends to a large extent on the specification of the individual waffle recipe. Sugar and maple syrup always increase the amount of “total sugars” in the nutrition information.

Special diets

Individuals may vary in terms of the specific diet they follow, which may include medical restrictions. Waffles can be consumed on a gluten-free or low-sodium diet, for example, but these types of waffles must meet the appropriate dietary requirements and provide necessary nutrients. The ESHA research database and ‘Daily Value Percentages’ can also be used as a reference to determine the nutritional value of such waffles.

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