Italian Wine Bar in the Heart of Budapest

Various wine bars in Budapest are becoming considerably popular, not just among the older but also among the younger age group.

In Budapest Rákóczi Square, Oinos wine bar offers a special experience for its guests. Anyone who comes around will feel in Italy in a moment. The reason is, that the owner of the wine bar and wine restaurant is Italian, so he knows how to create real Italian atmosphere, even in the heart of Budapest.

You can enjoy traditional Italian wines in our restaurant. Our wine list includes white, red and rosé wines as well as champagne. Those who swear on Hungarian flavours do not have to despair, because there are wines from Hungarian manufacturers on our wine list, too.

The unique interior design and equipment, the genuine Italian dishes and drinks create the real Italian atmosphere. Whether it’s a birthday party, a Saturday night wine drinking, or just an after-work relaxation, Oinos wine bar is the perfect choice.